Tantric Path of Desire: Bringing Passion to the Spiritual Path
Paperback or ePub
Delve into the profound teachings of Tantra with a spotlight on using every facet of life, including sexuality, as a transformative force on the path.
“Most followers of the Tibetan tantric Buddhist teachings are merely wearing an outer costume of tantra."“Serious consideration of the situation of tantra is urgent before its essence is lost altogether. The time has come for going beyond mere scholarly explanations and superficial chanting of liturgies to actually restoring the practice tradition that has been corrupted and rejected in recent centuries. To do that, the full scope of tantra’s real meaning must be re-introduced.”
9 Layer Blessed Protection Wheel
These protection wheel were handmade under the amulet rituals, with the designated mantras from Shar Khentrul Rinpoche, by qualified monks in the monastery. They offer blessings for wealth, health, and protection from disease and many misfortunes. They can be warn or kept in a shrine.
Offering Practices
這個精美如珠寶首飾的聖像是時輪金剛的精髓形相,極為稀有和珍貴,傳統上用於修行時輪金剛圓滿次第。 它代表着空性與大樂的結合,象徵着勝義上的實相;這種精髓也與瑜伽行者以一世的禪修而覺悟有關。
受堪祖仁波切的委託,聖像是嚴格按照時輪金剛根本經典設計和製作的,因此特別有力量和真實。 它蘊含堪祖仁波切和他的學生們經過兩年多的努力,這尊的時輪金剛形相表現了覺悟和佛性的結合。 僅僅觀看聖像的形相,思想便獲得祝福和薰陶,直觀地體驗佛性的無量德性。